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Meet the Founder

I am Rajyeshwari Ghosh.




I studied in South Point High School in Kolkata. In 1998, I left for US to study at Brewton-Parker College (BPC) to earn BSc in Business Administration with a Major in Management and Minor in Philosophy. BPC is a private, Liberal Arts, Christian college in South Georgia. It was my home away from home. BPC played an important role in my life to prepare me as a person who leads from heart and soul. Later, I completed an MBA with focus in Finance and Decision Support Systems from Webster University. I also took additional courses in Project Management from New York University. In 2019, I completed Certification in Blockchain.


Work Experience:


During my college days, I worked in various odd jobs. I learned I could work 20 hours a week on-campus, as an International Student in the USA. So, in Kolkata, I worked as a Sales and Marketing Representative to get job experience so that I could show the same on my profile. In the US, I worked as a server in the college cafeteria, as an usher in theater, as work-study student at Fiscal Affairs, Admissions and Evening College, lab assistant, and distant learning coordinator. I also worked as a sales girl in a department store and as a waitress in a restaurant. All these experiences enriched my life in various ways. I have a wide range of professional experiences as well. I worked as a Financial Analyst at a family-owned Jewelry company in NYC, as a Program Manager at Webster University’s Multicultural Centre, as a Document Review Specialist and Loan Processor at Citigroup, and as a Business Analyst at NYSE-FINRA.


I relocated back in India in 2009. I joined PwC India in Mumbai in 2010 as a Senior Consultant in Technology Consulting. Later, I joined as the Associate Director in Management Consulting in KPMG India Mumbai office. I worked all over India and was fortunate to serve a variety of clients, ranging from family-owned businesses to mid sized firms to Fortune 500 companies. I was responsible for sales, marketing, client services, and team building. I am also known for my new ideas and innovative thinking.


My current role at Quantum Holistic is to define the overall strategic direction and to ensure that we follow through our promises and drive the purpose we are here for. I do what I love the most – I regularly write, I do speaking engagements, I teach and I do research work.


I am a published author. My first book of poetry – Essence of my Existence: Poems to Acknowledge my Truth was self-published in 2009. It was read in India, US, Ireland, UK, and Sweden. I also write articles and short stories on my core areas for the Thrive Global, the Café Dissensus Everyday and The Kathmandu Post. I am known for my new ideas and fresh thinking. One of my ideas got recognized as one of the top 10 innovative ideas in Consulting India Innovation Challenge in PwC India. I am the Recipient of Above and Beyond, PwC Experience, and Spot Awards. I was awarded the prestigious Dean’s Scholar and was nominated twice in the National Dean’s List (US).

I do speaking engagements. I was a Speaker at various places such as IIT Kharagpur, IIT Madras, Calcutta University, e-Chai Network, Nepal's Kantipur Conclave, US-India Educational Foundation, PMI SVC USA and SAP INDUS. I am a member of Lorange Network.


I am fortunate that I met people from more than 125+ countries around the world, traveled extensively in 10 countries, worked and studied in the U.S., India, Thailand, Bangladesh, and Singapore.

Community Giving:


Giving back to the Community is an integral part of my upbringing at home. I do things as per my capacity –sometimes by giving time, sometimes by money, sometimes by pro bono work in my core areas and sometimes by all of these. As a Rotaractor, I participated and organized various social initiatives such as Polio Vaccination Drive, Sit and Draw Competition at Kolkata’s Red Light Area, building ramps for differently-abled in Georgia, US. I also volunteered to teach English as second language to immigrants in NY Public Library. I visited Old Age Home in Kolkata, raised fund for Blind Society. I served as the President of International Student Organization in college and initiated several multicultural, social activities to raise awareness. Since 2009, I have started Christmas Food Drive in Kolkata to ‘pay it forward’ to bring Christmas joy to the needy, homeless and differently-abled in and around my locality. I also support my digital Community on LinkedIn in various ways such as job leads, mentorship, and participation in surveys.


By nature, I am unpretentious, open, truthful, transparent, conscientious, and caring. I am a life-long learner and very spiritual. I love to live with great joy and love. So, I take time out to pursue by interests in nature, music, reading, heritage preservation. I also spend quality time with my friends and family.


Please stay in touch through Thinkers 360, SpeakIn and LinkedIn.

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I first published this article on LinkedIn on August 2, 2019.  Later, I republished it on the World Pulse. This article talks about my journey - what led me to be the Founder at Quantum Holistic. 

In another few months, I will complete a new milestone – my fortieth year in this life. So, in the last couple of years, I took time off to gather all the learning and experiences, I had in my twenties and thirties, with the intent to redesign the next decade, so that my journey continues to be filled with purpose, balance, wonder, joy, and faith.


To a great extent, I believe in destiny and that my soul has a blueprint and a purpose that needs to be fulfilled in this lifetime before it takes up a new life. One life’s karma creates the foundation on which the next one is built. So, at times, life takes us to places where we have never been and experiences, we thought why those should happen to us. I know, now, there are deeper reasons for everything.


I took this sabbatical and went into immersive, introspective and reflective exercises along with regular meditations. Through these practices, I unveiled many of the unconscious and subconscious wounds, which needed to be healed; I recreated and revisited, many past events of my life which I needed to reconcile, and I also gave me permission to forgive myself and others so that we could continue on our respective paths. These exercises were not easy because I had to work through an immense amount of disruptive emotions; I had to give meaning to those raw emotions and after sufficient cleansing, I refilled the space within, once again, with peace, inner guidance, and radiance. As I worked with me on me, there were a number of trends, repetitive thought patterns that slowly got emerged. In this article, I write about those revealed patterns that brought me, here, today and how all these defined my new me.


My spiritual upbringing at home: I was born and raised in a very liberal and open-minded family– the kind of liberation that comes as a result of radical spirituality. I was never taught to compete but to be curious to explore this vast Universe. Money, status, possessions were not subjects we talked about much at home, but I was raised with utmost material comfort and have fond childhood memories. From a very tender age, I got exposed to various subjects because of my grandfather, a polymath and a man of great wisdom and learning.


My liberal arts education – My liberal arts education was a strong foundation which eventually led me to deeply appreciate the approach of systems thinking – how each component is a whole and is an integral part of the bigger oneness. Later, this gave expression to creativity, innovation, quantum thinking, contextual intelligence and finally my entrepreneurial mindset. My unique approach to look at each situation from multi-disciplinary perspectives is also the result of my liberal arts education.

Life experiences in the twenties and thirties – I spent my twenties to explore the world and in my thirties, I made sense of those experiences. My life in various cities including NY, Georgia, St. Louis, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, experiences post 9/11 and 2008 financial meltdown, meeting people from 125+ different countries, my travels in India and different parts of the world – all these actually made me why I am, the way I am. As a result, I appreciate diversity and love all shades of life.


I also realized that the poverty of mind (caused by jealousy, envy, ego, etc.) is even more painful than poverty that is experienced from lack of material possessions – this is what I concluded when I observed how a family with modest means had more to share than one who lived in a big mansion and may have forgotten what is soulful. So, I questioned myself which one is the true measure – the external net worth or the internal wealth we have?


My exploration of paths of spirituality, philosophy, and theosophy– My exploration in spiritual paths can be regressed back to my upbringing at home. The next was attending a conservative Christian college where I studied both Old and New Testaments; then it was spending time in Buddhist village and forest temples in Thailand, then it was learning Yoga and meditations in a ashram in Upstate New York and finally reading both Eastern and Western philosophies. In the last decade, I was influenced by Jiddu Krishnamurti’s work and had spent time visiting the various Study Centers for quiet contemplation and deep reflections. What I realized is I was always drawn to this path of life – somewhere in me, I was always looking for something deeper, more meaningful and I was always seeking something which is immortal.


Finding the existence of the immortal soul was the answer, I was seeking all this time.


Identity crisis – My school in Kolkata was quite cosmopolitan, so my classmates came from different parts of India. I went to college and university in the U.S., where my friends came from different parts of the world. I lived and spent time with my American host families. I adopted the western lifestyle in many ways. Then, when I returned back to India, after eleven years, I had to unlearn, relearn to adapt to a whole new way of life which, at times, became quite difficult for me. Now, that I am back in Kolkata, I am, again, learning to adapt myself to a new environment. The only thing that was constant in my life was change. In this process, oftentimes, I experienced an identity crisis because I was not fully Bengali, not fully Indian, not fully American – my identity was a mix of all these and more. For the longest time, I struggled to find a place where I can fit in with this intermingling identity. After years, I came to terms with it.


My realization is I need not be defined by the external qualities rather my existential identity is the result of all these - places, people, experiences - and my core values, I live by.


Inner conflicts to reconcile corporate and spiritual lives – The final struggle was my deep, at times, devastating crisis, I felt to reconcile my deep intent to live a spiritual life with the demands of purely numbers-driven corporate cultures. I do not say that this is an issue with a particular organization. Perhaps, there are many people out there who are also struggling with this. I believe it is a global issue now and it needs a global shift that organizations need to serve society, planet, and people and at the same time make a profit. The past decade gave unprecedented importance on quantity over quality; values and principles took a back seat; organizational values and principles became more lip service than living experiences; competition driven by greed, selfishness became the normal way of life. Besides, what I realized is most of my time was taken up by work and deadlines; spending time with family, friends and nurturing my hobbies became secondary. My health suffered from time to time. So, I asked myself can I continue with this lifestyle for the next two decades. I pondered how can I grow on a spiritual path which requires me to nurture inter-dependency, wisdom, and values when I see around me is mostly selfishness, competition, silos, and fragmentation?


My quest to ascend in spiritual life left me with more conflicts. So, at last, I had to take a hard call - I had to choose between my mind's desire and my soul's need. And I walked towards my calling – my intrinsic, soulful drive. That's how I arrived here today and realigned my life to my core being so that I can live my truth.


My work at Quantum Holistic Advisory Services is based on Quantum paradigm. I would like to call myself a documentary management consultant. Just like a documentary filmmaker creates reality-based art movies to bring awareness of certain dimensions of life, my work is also reality-based, multi-disciplinary research-based, purpose-driven, for-profit management consultancy.


My work is an extension of who I am. My life journey is itself the greatest testimony in what I believe in – it is in congruence with my beliefs and deepest needs of my heart and soul. I intend to bring my whole self to work, aim to build win-win relationships with like-minded stakeholders. At the same time, I intend to care for our planet, society and those I serve. While I do all these, I want to share my time with the most important people in my life - my family and friends - because they are the ones who love and accept all of me, unconditionally, regardless of what I have and who I become.

Thank you for reading and I look forward to this new journey!


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I am Dr. Biswaraj Ghosh, Program Director at Quantum Holistic.

I am a sustainability champion, an experienced researcher and Lecturer, an UN endorsed Leadership program graduate, a published author with several years of diverse work experience in academics and industry in U.K., Germany and India. I have trained and developed over 300 students in organizational sustainability and accounting at different academic levels. I am a learner centric teacher championing experiential learning and an advocate of innovative teaching techniques including gamification. I have published in PRME endorsed projects and I am well versed in organizational sustainability and accounting issues through self developed PhD project exploring controls for sustainability. 


In my current role, I am responsible for stakeholder management, delivery excellence, ecosystem leadership, operations and wealth management.


In my previous role in Nottingham Business School, as a Module Leader/Lecturer in Accounting, Finance and Sustainability, I taught sustainability to practitioners and to postgraduate level finance and accounting students. I was also responsible for mentoring my students. As a Green Impact Auditor, I was actively involved in designing Business School sustainability policy and provided sustainability assurance by auditing university departments. Prior to that, I worked as a Research Associate for University of Derby and was a Visiting Lecturer at University of Kassel in Germany. Prior to that, I worked in several other roles in U.K. as the Database Assistant at NHS East Midlands, Market Researcher at Apex Works, Research Assistant at International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility, Fundraiser for Cancer Research & Children Society and Finance Intern at Tata Global Beverages in India.  


I published several papers in prestigious international academic journals and presented several research papers in conferences. I have received multiple awards including PhD Studentship, Full Masters Tuition Fees Scholarship, and Best Student Award. I served as a Parliamentor and as a Judge at University Of Leicester.


I earned B.A. Hons. in Finance, Accounting and Management and M.Sc. in Corporate Social Responsibility with distinction from The University of Nottingham, U.K. I completed Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University.

In my spare time, I volunteered and served for several causes such as the Honorary Treasurer for Parkinson’s U.K., Emerging Visionary for Multi-Faith Forum, Volunteer Teacher at Teach India Initiative and Treasurer at UNICEF Society. I am also a Fellow at Royal Society of Arts (FRSA) for social contribution. 


I am thoughtful, disciplined, honest, dedicated and inclusive. My hobbies include meditative painting, crafts, cooking, traveling and photography.




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©2022 by Quantum Holistic. This website is, lovingly and digitally, handcrafted by Founder, herself. Most of the pictures, here, are taken by                   Dr. William Said, Dr. Biswaraj Ghosh and Rajyeshwari Ghosh. It is also proudly created with

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